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Tampa Workers' Compensation Lawyer > Blog > Blog > Why a Lawyer Might not Take Your Personal Injury Case

Why a Lawyer Might not Take Your Personal Injury Case

Having the correct representation in your personal injury case is vital to ensuring you get the result you deserve. After suffering an injury, it’s integral you look into different attorneys in the area to see if they’re suitably experienced to take your case on. But what reasons might an attorney have for not taking it?

  1. There is a complexity in terms of establishing liability – personal injury cases are not always clean cut, and often negligence as well as a duty of care has to be established in order to prove liability. If there’s too much difficulty involved in proving liability, an attorney may not want to take your claim on its likely it may not be successful.
  2. Too Much Time Required – If your case is fairly complicated and it looks like it will take a great deal of time, the law firm may not have the resources available.
  3. Statute of Limitations Expired – This varies by state, which is why it’s important to get the ball rolling on your case as possible. If you statute of limitations has expired, there’s nothing an attorney can do to help.
  4. Lack off Damages and Expense of Case– This depends on how you’re planning on paying your attorney. If there’s not a great deal of damages expected to be awarded, an attorney may deduce it’s not worth their while. As a lot of personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis, it’s likely this will be a defining factor in their decision.
  5. Defendant has Limited Resources – If the party you’re intending to bring a case against doesn’t have sufficient resources, a lawyer may not want to take on your case as its unlikely the damages will be paid in full.
  6. Your Case is Novel – If your case is unique and concerns something the law has not addressed before, the lawyer may feel they don’t have the experience and time to commit.
  7. You Have Been Previously Rejected by Other Law Firms – If a case has been rejected by numerous other law firms, a lawyer may see this as a warning sign.

If you’re looking for representation in your personal injury case and want advice about how to proceed, speak to the Franco Firm team.

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