What Is Workers’ Comp Insurance?

Workers’ comp insurance is basically a safety net for anyone in employment. It means that if you injure yourself whilst at work and have to take time off, you don’t need to worry as you will in theory receive a (reduced) salary. It also means that if you need medical treatment as a result of a workplace accident, you’ll be covered. If you’re unfortunate to have been injured permanently, you will be provided compensation long-term.
What Should I Do If I’m Injured at The Workplace?
It’s important to know beforehand who your insurance is with so if something happens you can act quickly. If you do get injured, report the accident to your employer as soon as possible. This may be oral or in writing. You’ll then hopefully receive a copy of the First Report of Injury or Illness, which your employer will have filed with the relevant insurance company. Following this, you should start to receive checks every two weeks, 21 days after the injury occurred. Any back pay will also be paid.
What If My Employer Refuses to Pay?
Hopefully your case will be straightforward and there will be no issues with your claim, but if that isn’t the case it’s best to try and come to an agreement directly with your employer/the insurance company. This attempt to resolve is required by Florida law.
The next step is to contact the Florida Employee Assistance and Ombudsman Office for advice. If you’re still unhappy with the result (for example, your insurance company refuses to cover specialist treatment) you may have to file a petition. At this point it’s integral you receive advice from an attorney in order to know best how to proceed with your petition.
Remember even if you expect to receive workers’ comp with no complications, still keep copies of all paperwork and documents associated with the accident and ongoing medical treatment.
If you’re currently in need of some advice with regards to workers comp and want a trustworthy company to guide you, speak with the team at Franco Firm.