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Tampa Workers' Compensation Lawyer > Blog > General > Was Your Child’s Premature Birth Caused By Medical Malpractice?

Was Your Child’s Premature Birth Caused By Medical Malpractice?

The birth of a child is supposed to be a joyous occasion, and is for many people. Sometimes however, there are complications that lead to a child being born prematurely, often at great risk to both mother and child. While the circumstances of a premature birth can be natural, there are some cases where medical malpractice might actually be part or most of the problem. Has this happened to you?

If medical malpractice did play a part in the premature birth of your child, there is a chance that you might not even know it. What are some of the situations where this might be the case? One of the most common instances where medical malpractice could be involved in a premature birth would be if the doctor failed to recognize a potential complication in advance. When you are pregnant, regular appointments and check-ups with doctors are a way of life and these are done to ensure a healthy pregnancy and eventual birth. If there was something a doctor could have, and should have, caught, but didn’t, a malpractice suit is certainly appropriate.

This should not be confused with simply not knowing about a condition or circumstance. In order for the malpractice case to be valid, the doctor must have been able to identify the problem will all medical probability, but failed to. If this condition is not met, then it is not the fault of the doctor. Under rare instances, although they do occur, a doctor may incorrectly track the progress of one’s pregnancy and attempt or induce labor early. This is obviously dangerous, but is indeed also obviously a sign of malpractice.

If you and your family suspect that medical malpractice may have been a part of or cause of premature birth, it is always advisable to consult with an attorney first to go over the situation and lay out potential options. At the Franco Law Firm, we are always at the ready to help and you can schedule a free consultation with us at any time. To do so, please call us at (813) 872-0929.

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