Types Of Workers’ Comp Claims In Florida

There are many different types of workers’ comp claims in Florida. Understanding this range of options can be helpful, as you may not be aware of your options as an injured worker. As you will soon see, workers’ comp claims can even be filed by family members in some situations. They can even be filed long after you have retired. It all depends on the unique circumstances of your injuries, and this is why it’s so important to explore your legal options to the fullest extent possible.
Toxic Exposure
Many workers don’t realize that they can file workers’ comp claims for exposure to toxins, radioactive materials, or anything else that made them sick. The most important thing to remember about these claims is that you can file them long after initial exposure. This means that it is theoretically possible to file a workers’ comp claim for an injury you sustained many decades ago – at a job you no longer hold.
The classic example involves asbestos. Let’s say you came into contact with high concentrations of asbestos while working construction in Tampa many decades ago. You might then be diagnosed with some form of cancer or respiratory disease linked with asbestos. Theoretically, you could file a workers’ comp claim based on this injury because you only became aware of your health issues long after the initial exposure. This logic applies to many other situations.
Third-Party Negligence
Another somewhat rare type of workers’ comp involves third-party negligence. This is a common situation on a construction site, where multiple contractors and trades work alongside each other. If you were injured by a negligent third party who is not your direct employer, you may have the opportunity to file a personal injury lawsuit. This is advantageous because it can make you eligible to receive non-economic damages like emotional distress. Non-economic damages are not available to those who file workers’ comp claims. In some situations, you may have the opportunity to file both a workers’ comp claim and a personal injury lawsuit.
Wrongful Death
A wrongful death workers’ comp claim is filed by family members of a deceased worker – not the actual worker. This can provide families with compensation for unpaid medical expenses, missed wages (both future and past) and funeral expenses. Some families may be completely unaware that they are eligible for this compensation. Only certain family members can file these claims however, including parents, spouses, and children.
Where Can I Find a Workers’ Comp Lawyer in Tampa?
If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced Tampa workers’ comp attorney, look no further than the Franco Law Firm. The only way to truly survey your options is to book a consultation with a legal professional. During this consultation, you can discuss the specifics of your situation and determine the best route forward. With our help, you can pursue the compensation you deserve for your workplace injuries. Reach out today to get started.