Trick-or-Treating Safely in 2020

It’s almost that time for Trick-or-treating, and we are already getting sugar crazy. We’re sure that kiddos and families all over are just as excited as we are, however, this sweet tradition may look a bit different in these 2020 times. Although candy is still being distributed, it’s likely that we will be receiving it in a “goodie bag form” or in a more sanitized fashion.
Of course, just because it’s a holiday, and an evening full of spooktacular treats, that doesn’t mean injuries are taking a night off. In fact, Halloween is an event where injuries are more likely to occur, especially if proper precautions are not taken. So how does one safely trick or treat in 2020 during a pandemic? What are the common injuries I should watch out for, and how can I avoid them?
A Covid-19 Halloween
Due to trick or treating usually having large groups of people and face to face contact, it is considered a “higher risk” activity, which means things are going to need a bit of an adjustment this year. Here are some tips to stay safe and sanitized while filling your pumpkin with sweets.
Masks are still strongly encouraged to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. Make sure that all children and adults in your small group are wearing face masks, especially when approaching houses and other people.
Consider assembling individual goodie bags filled with candy to avoid the number of hands in a bowl. Whether you’re handing out candy, making goodie bags, or leaving candy out– WASH YOUR HANDS before preparing or touching anything.
Limit your group sizes. The smaller the better, particularly if its close friends and family that you know have not been exposed, and are not experiencing any symptoms.
Keep the house visits to a minimum, and try to only stop by houses in your neighborhood. Also, remember to carry hand sanitizer and sanitize in between each house throughout the night.
Common Halloween Injuries to avoid
What’s more spooky and horrifying than an injury? Halloween night is full of potential injuries like car accidents, animal attacks, trips and falls, and possibly even suspicious candy. It’s important to note some of the most commonly seen injuries that can occur, and how you and your children can avoid them while trick or treating.
Look both ways — Even if you’re driving! This goes without saying, but when crossing roads or sides of the sidewalk, be on alert for vehicles that are coming. Carrying a flashlight or some type of reflective device is always a great method to let others know you’re there, even at a faraway distance. If you’re driving, or are even driving house to house for trick or treating, be on the lookout for pedestrians. Drive at slower speeds, and follow the basic rules of the road, while flowing with traffic.
If you do decide to go up to houses and collect some candy, be careful of pets! Dogs and cats may get scared of all the commotion that is happening and could end up escaping out the door and attacking you or someone in your group. Do not go up to animals without asking permission first, and if given permission, proceed with caution. If you need more information regarding dog bites and how to claim compensation, we recommend you read our Dog Bites blog. {}
Now more than ever, candy should be inspected before it is eaten. Once you get home, examine each piece for any suspicious-looking portions and/or ingredients. If you find that any candy wrapper is open or are unsure of something, just throw it away. Better safe than sorry!
Trips and falls are other injuries that commonly happen on Halloween night. It’s already hard enough to see in the dark, and elaborate decorations do not help. If you are going to jazz up your home with decorations, be sure to keep walkways clear to allow safe navigation and maintain well-lit porches and driveways for everyone to see. If you’re the one trick or treating, approach each home with caution and watch for any obstacles that could cause injury.
With Halloween being slightly different this year, we must remain alert and as safe as ever. While we want every family to have a blast and snag some of their favorite candies, we also want you to be safe and follow all necessary precautions to ensure your safety, and everyone else’s. When injuries do occur, not only are they costly and difficult for the individual, but for his or her family as well. With experience with Florida and Tampa law, Franco Law Firm will not only do our best to fight for you, but also to win your case. If you find yourself or someone you know in a situation where you need representation for a case, contact our attorneys at (813) 872-0929 so we can help navigate the legality of the situation. Happy Halloween, and stay safe!