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Tips for Driving in Unfamiliar Cities

Road trips are a common way to vacation for many people, but sometimes driving in unfamiliar territory can be difficult. When you find yourself in a new city, you tend to rely on a GPS device or app and this can sometimes lead to distracted driving, which can in turn lead to car accidents. If you do plan to drive in an unfamiliar city, here are some tips to help you be a safer and more aware driver.

Obviously, GPS is important when navigating through an unfamiliar area, however there are ways to make it safer for you. Firstly, turn up the volume of the device and pay attention to the directs it gives so that you don’t have to take your eyes off the road to see where it is trying to direct. Looking down at a GPS is almost as bad as texting while driving, but it can be mitigated by listening to verbal directions rather than displayed ones.

Another important thing to remember when driving on vacation is to rent a car that is comfortable for you. This is primarily advice for someone who flew to a place and then drove, but it important because being in a familiar vehicle will make it easier to navigate unfamiliar settings. If possible, you don’t always need to drive on vacation as well. Especially if you plan on drinking, taking a taxi or transport service such as Uber not only takes the burden off you, but puts a someone familiar with the city in the driver’s seat.

If you are traveling soon, we encourage you to be safe on the roads in your destination. If you are involved in an auto accident, either at home or on the road, we at the Franco Law Firm can help you through your accident lawsuit. To learn more about the services we offer and to schedule a free consultation with us today, please call (813) 872-0929.

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