Threats Posed by New Technology for Tampa Workers

New innovations often cause shocking accidents that prove fatal. While the subject of workplace safety often focuses on older technology, it is all too easy to overlook threats posed by new developments in the average workplace. This technology is now prevalent across all kinds of workplaces in the modern era – including warehouses and construction sites.
Warehouse Robots Are Causing Injuries
Many leading companies – including Amazon – are introducing robots in their warehouses to improve efficiency. These companies often claim that the robots can lower injury rates for workers, but in reality, this machinery has the potential to hurt employees. We have seen numerous examples of this in the past, and it’s not difficult to see why. A robot can strike a worker and cause serious injuries. Internal documents from Amazon itself indicate that the rate of injuries increased after the introduction of these robots – despite claims that this technology would improve safety.
Charging Stations Continue to Cause Fires
Electric vehicles are appearing in various workplaces. Newer forklifts feature eclectic batteries, and many warehouses place charging stations within their premises to supplement their EVs. However, many employers are not fully aware of the fire risks that these charging stations represent. Countless incidents have involved charging stations catching fire with no warning. In the worst-case scenario, these fires cause entire warehouses to go up in flames – causing burn injuries, smoke inhalation, and death.
AI and Data Collection Poses Subtle Threats
The obsession with collecting data can cause subtle threats to workers in Florida. Coupled with generative AI, this development can push workers to limits not seen in previous generations. For example, employers may collect data on workers and determine that they can improve efficiency by 3% if they shorten breaks slightly, limit access to washrooms, or simply increase workloads. This drastically increases the chances of repetitive strain injury – a potentially life-altering ailment. In addition, workers are more likely to make mistakes and suffer accidents when they are overworked and fatigued.
Self-Driving Vehicles
Another major technological advance in recent decades is self-driving software. While this definitely has the potential to reduce injuries, it can also cause them. Roadside construction workers may be especially vulnerable, as this software may malfunction in the face of traffic cones, signage, and other diversions. There have been cases where driverless cars have barreled straight into construction sites – putting numerous workers at risk.
Find a Qualified, Experienced Workers’ Comp Attorney in Tampa
If you have been searching for a qualified, experienced workers’ compensation attorney in Tampa, look no further than the Franco Law Firm. With our help, you can strive for positive results after a serious workplace accident – whether the incident took place at a construction site, a car wash, or a factory. If you have lost a loved one to a fatal workplace accident, you can pursue death benefits through a workers’ comp claim. Book your consultation today to learn more.