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Tampa Workers' Compensation Lawyer > Tampa Repetitive Motion Injury Lawyer

Tampa Repetitive Motion Injury Lawyer

Workplace injuries are often caused by one-off events, such as a slip and fall or machinery accident. Others may be ongoing in nature, such as repetitive motion injuries. Also known as repetitive stress injuries, these injuries can be temporary or permanent in nature. They are caused by performing the same motions repeatedly and can involve nerves, muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

Repetitive motion injuries are often a sign of ergonomic stress. They are often eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, but proving that these injuries happened in the workplace is no easy task. With a Tampa repetitive motion injury lawyer from Franco Law Firm on your side, you can get the compensation you deserve.

Types of Repetitive Motion Injuries

The most common types of repetitive motion injuries include:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition often happens in office environments due to excessive computer work, although cashiers, bakers, and musicians also face a high risk. The wrist, hand, and fingers are the most affected. Women tend to get carpal tunnel syndrome much more often than men.

  • Tendinitis. This condition is characterized by inflammation in the elbows, biceps, and shoulders. Men tend to develop it more than women.

  • Tenosynovitis. Similar to tendonitis, tenosynovitis is a condition in which both the tendon and its covering become inflamed. It is often caused by improper or repetitive bending of the wrist.

  • Bursitis. This refers to inflammation of a bursa sac, which is a small pouch that serves to cushion the area between tendon and bone. Common areas of bursitis include the hips, knees, and elbows.

Identifying Repetitive Motion Injuries

Repetitive motion injuries can happen in the workplace at any time, but by paying attention to the warning signs, you can prevent them from getting worse. Soreness, pain, numbness, tingling, and loss of muscle strength are common symptoms.

These disorders are becoming more commonplace in the workplace. They can be caused by repetitive movements over long periods of time, improper arm or body support, and even vibration from machinery. Standing still for long periods can also damage the body.

Any part of the body can be affected but the muscles and tendons of the upper limbs tend to be affected the most. They tend to experience inflammation and fatigue. Eye strain and discomfort can also be a sign of too much repetition in the work environment. If the problem persists, it’s important to seek medical attention to create the evidence needed for a workers’ compensation claim. It may also be necessary to limit motion and change up your job duties to prevent further injury.

Contact Franco Law Firm Today

Repetitive motions are becoming more common in the workplace. While they qualify for benefits, they can be hard to prove without adequate medical evidence.

Filing a workers’ compensation claim can be tricky. Let Franco Law Firm assist you with the process. To schedule a consultation with our Tampa repetitive motion injuries lawyer, fill out the online form or call our office at (813) 872-0929.

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