Repetitive Strain Injuries While Working as a Cashier in Tampa
At first glance, the physical labor associated with being a cashier might seem quite minimal. After all, running items through a till is not exactly challenging for the average person. However, the repetitive nature of these tasks can take their toll over days, months, and years. If you have experienced a repetitive strain injury in Tampa due to your work as a cashier, you know exactly how serious these issues can be.
How Common Is Repetitive Strain Among Cashiers?
A study published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) showed that the majority of cashiers suffer repetitive strain injuries (RSIs). Often, these workers suffer musculoskeletal injuries every six months. Common areas of pain include the shoulders, neck, and spine. These injuries are associated with workers who have been cashiers for more than six years, and these veteran cashiers are over 3.5 more likely to experience a repetitive strain injury.
How Do Cashiers Get RSIs?
The NIH states that cashiers must perform various rotations, lateral inclinations, and other movements in order to carry out their duties. The wrist is subjected to considerable stress, as the cashier must scan items and operate the controls on a screen. “Awkward postures” are associated with standing for long periods, weighing produce, and tearing away receipts.
What Are Examples of Repetitive Motion Injuries?
There are many different kinds of repetitive strain injuries. These include tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, back strains, neck sprains, and shin splints. Over time, repetitive strain may also cause stress fractures, compressed nerves, herniated disks, bursitis, and various other conditions.
Can I Take Time Off Work After Getting a Repetitive Strain Injury in Florida?
Yes, you are fully entitled to take time off work if you suffer a legitimate repetitive strain injury. Unlike other workplace injuries, there may not be a specific event that caused your injury. For example, bursitis develops over time in a gradual fashion, until the pain is too unbearable to continue working. In contrast, slipping and falling may lead directly to a fractured leg.
Even though you can’t point to a specific accident that caused your RSI, you are still entitled to legal protection as an injured worker in Florida. You can seek medical attention and have your medical bills covered by workers’ compensation. You may also receive compensation for the wages you miss while recovering and receiving treatment.
Speak with a workers’ compensation lawyer in Tampa if your employer tries to interfere in this process in any way.
Can a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Tampa Help Me With RSI?
If you have suffered an RSI, an experienced Tampa workers’ compensation lawyer may be able to guide you toward the compensation you deserve. Remember, you are fully entitled to take time off work if you develop this type of injury. After you receive treatment from a qualified healthcare provider, consider reaching out to The Franco Law Firm. We can help you with denied claims, workers’ comp filings, and much more.