Most Common Workers’ Compensation Claims?

Being injured at the workplace is more common than you might think, with millions of workers in America affected every year. As such, workers’ compensation insurance is required by the vast amount of organizations in order to look after their employees, no matter what happens.
Five Most Common Claims
Fortunately the most common type of claim isn’t too serious, with strains and sprains accounting for around thirty percent of all cases. Next in the list are cuts or punctures (19%), third contusions (12%), fourth inflammation (5%) and in fifth place fractures (5%). These figures are based across all industries and business types. With that being said, the type of injury you’re more likely to be affected by can also change depending on the field you’re in. For example, if you’re employed in construction or manufacturing, eye injuries is the most common claim.
The most serious claims which received the largest payouts were for accidents which caused severe trauma (such as amputations, electric shocks, breaking of multiple bones etc.). These were thankfully in the minority.
What Commonly Causes Injuries?
Now we know what type of claim is frequent, what tends to commonly cause these accidents? 30% of all injuries are caused by the handling of materials, 16% are caused by trips and falls, being struck with an object accounts for 10%, tools 7% and finally 5% of claims are the direct result of a repetitive motion or continued trauma.
Employees being injured at the workplace cost companies a great deal, so it pays for them to be stringent when it comes to health and safety. It’s impossible to be able to account for every eventuality, but by being prepared and implementing the correct safety measures, companies can avoid unnecessary accidents.
Even if your place of employment has a strong health and safety culture, sometimes incidents happen through no fault of your own. That’s why workers’ compensation exists. If you have been affected by any injury at work, speak to the experts at Franco Firm to see how to move forward with your claim in a way that suits you.