Compensation for Burn Injuries after a Florida Workplace Accident

Although workers in Florida face many threats, one of the most dangerous situations is a fire at the workplace. This can occur in virtually any workplace imaginable, whether you’re working indoors or outdoors. It can even happen while you’re traveling for work. Those who suffer burn injuries often face a long road to recovery, and they may experience a range of financial and psychological issues for the foreseeable future. But how can you get compensation for these injuries?
Fires Are Relatively Common in Florida Workplaces
Over the past few years and months, there have been numerous workplace fires across Florida:
- In February of 2023, a waste recycling plant in Miami-Dade erupted into flames. The fires spread to four separate buildings before 200 firefighters were finally able to extinguish them. Initial reports suggested that the source of the fire was a faulty conveyor belt. In addition, the equivalent of “two football fields” worth of trash was burned.
- That same month, a plant nursery near Orlando caught fire, sending plumes of smoke into the air. According to one report, “two acres” of wooden pallets caught fire. Some of these pallets were stacked up to ten feet high. The authorities weren’t sure what caused the fire, but it is a well-known fact that plant fertilizer can be explosive and flammable.
- In December of 2022, a firework warehouse caught fire in Orlando, killing four workers and critically wounding a fifth. The survivor suffered serious burns that covered 60 percent of her body. This worker went on to sue the fireworks company directly – something that isn’t usually allowed under workers’ comp laws. The argument is that the firework company was guilty of serious, gross negligence – and therefore the workers’ comp limitations do not apply. There were reports that the company was “testing” fireworks on the night of the fire. The OSHA states that the company committed 10 serious violations, including the improper storage of the fireworks.
Strategies for Pursuing Compensation After Workplace Fire Injuries
As you can see, suing an employer directly is technically possible after suffering burn injuries on the job. However, the most likely scenario involves filing a workers’ compensation claim. This strategy provides compensation for missed wages, medical expenses. If the fire was fatal, family members may also file on the deceased worker’s behalf to pursue additional damages, including funeral expenses.
Note that pursuing non-economic damages is not possible with a workers’ comp claim. This is important, because non-economic damages are closely associated with burn injuries. Burn victims may be disfigured, leading to serious psychological issues. Because of this, it may make sense to explore potential injury lawsuits alongside a qualified attorney. Unlike workers’ comp claims, personal injury lawsuits provide compensation for non-economic damages.
Where Can I Find a Qualified, Experienced Workers’ Comp Attorney in Tampa?
If you have suffered a burn injury at your workplace, you have every right to file a workers’ compensation claim alongside Tampa workers’ compensation attorneys. This can provide you with compensation for medical expenses, missed wages, and other damages. If you have lost a loved one in a fatal workplace fire, you can also file a claim on their behalf. Whether you need guidance or you’re experiencing issues with your claim, the Franco Law Firm is here to help. Book your consultation today to learn more about how you can pursue the compensation you need and deserve as an American worker.