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Tampa Workers' Compensation Lawyer > Blog > Blog > Common Swimming Pool Injuries (and How to Avoid Them)

Common Swimming Pool Injuries (and How to Avoid Them)

In the sunshine state trips to the pool come along regularly, but it’s important to know the risks associated with this activity – especially if you have young children. It goes without saying that you should always be aware when your kids are in the pool and keep focused on them, and you should also make them aware of the dangers associated with swimming so you can avoid any accidents, big or small.


The most serious injury which you have to protect against is the risk of drowning. It doesn’t matter how deep the water is, or if your child is a strong swimmer, you should always be on alert. This is especially true if you have a pool in your backyard – make sure it’s sufficiently fenced off to remove the risk of anyone falling in. If you go to a public pool make sure to check there’s a lifeguard on duty, and adults should never swim whilst intoxicated or alone.

Head Trauma

Another serious injury that’s common at the pool is head trauma. This can happen due to falling and slipping, or colliding with other swimmers or the pool walls or floor itself. If you see anyone hit their head get them out of the water immediately – even if they seem ok. Concussions can be very dangerous, and if they stay in the water they run the risk of drowning. To avoid this injury always be aware of your surroundings and other swimmers, as well as paying attention to pool depths and hazard signs.

Slips and Falls

We’ve all done it before (especially when young), you run around the pool and end up slipping on the wet tiles. This can result in a minor bump or sprains or even a break. Be sure to walk around the pool’s edge and encourage your children to do the same.

Skin and Eye Irritation

Skin and eyes can be irritated by the chemicals in pools. These are used in order to keep the water hygienic, but it’s a delicate balance and too much of one thing can cause a reaction – especially in those with sensitive skin. Be sure to shower immediately after swimming, wear goggles if you tend to have an reactions, and let the staff know if the reaction continues to happen.

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