Claiming A Dog Bite Injury

When thinking of a personal injury, we probably initially think about a car accident or job-related injury. But we often forget how common and dangerous dog bite injuries can be. It’s hard to believe that our furry friends are capable of something so scary, yet every year over 800,00 Americans get medically treated for dog bites. There are a lot of factors that go into filing a claim and assessing who is at fault in these circumstances. So what kind of compensation are you able to claim?
The Bite
If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being bitten by a dog, of course, the first priority is seeking medical attention. 911 should be called if the injuries are severe and you need immediate care to the wound. However, if you don’t end up visiting the hospital, it’s still crucial to follow up with your direct health care provider or an urgent care clinic, because the injury may be worse than it seems. Additionally, the bite should be reported promptly along with verifying all of the dogs’ vaccinations and health records.
The Claim
Depending on the state that you live in, the dog owners can be held liable for the dog attack. In Florida, we have “strict liability” and the victim can claim compensation for Negligence, Scienter, Intentional tort, or even Negligence Per Se (for the injured). Of course, when experiencing a dog bite, we can suspect that the owner will pay for any injuries that were caused, as well as the expenses that go along with them. Those can be broken down into medical bills, out-of-pocket expenses, pain and suffering, and maybe even emotional distress. When contacting your attorney about the claim, be sure to explain how, when, and where you were attacked, while also establishing the owner and description of the dog.
Dog Bite Statute
Some states, like Florida, also have a strict Dog Bite Statute. The statute is meant to protect the general public from dogs that are dangerous or could be a potential threat to others. It is understood that anyone who owns a dog should be responsible for any damage that it may cause. Therefore, if the dog is harmful, they must be registered and kept in a secure area that is posted with dog warning signs. If an owner is failing to follow proper safety precautions, they can be held criminally at fault for injuries that are caused by their dog. Exceptions to avoid owner liability would be, if the victim were trespassing, or were provoking/distressing the dog.
It can be a painful and confusing journey when filing a dog bite claim, but it doesn’t have to be. Here at Franco Law Firm, we have the experience and skill to help you through the process and get the justice you deserve. For more information, contact us today at: (813) 872-0929″