Carpal Tunnel & Worker’s Compensation

Having a hands-on job can definitely have its ups and downs. Maybe you work as a mechanic, assembly line worker, or work on a computer all day. Either way, any job that makes your hands tired, could make you one of the millions of workers suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. Especially now with more and more people working remotely, not having a typical office setup or workspace could be affecting your Carpal Tunnel. So how can you file a worker’s compensation claim if this is you? How do you know when it’s time?
What is Carpal Tunnel?
Carpal Tunnel is a condition of the arms and hands that causes numbness, pain, and tingling. When one of the major nerves, the median nerve, is compressed or squeezed, the condition travels through the wrist. It is usually known as an occupational disease because it is developed from repetitive actions that are continuously done during daily work requirements.
If you are experiencing any symptoms that are associated with Carpal Tunnel, or have been diagnosed with the condition, you need to report it to your employer as soon as possible in order for the compensation process to begin. After that, your employer or workers comp representative should provide you with any necessary forms and steps to further file your claim.
The claim
Since Carpal Tunnel is considered an on-the-job injury, any worker who is affected by the condition has the right to make a worker’s compensation claim. The benefits normally cover any compensation for medical care that is needed to treat the injury, and possibly out of pocket expenses like traveling to medical facilities.
Depending on the state that you live in, worker’s comp benefits can vary. For example; In Florida, If you require time off from work, due to the work-related injury, you’d qualify for temporary disability. However, unless the injury impacts your ability to work for more than 21 days, the benefits will not go into effect for the first seven days off. Some states even sanction that the compensation is based on the severity of the injury. It’s important to speak to your lawyer about all possible options when filing your claim, in order for you to get the compensation you need.
As we mentioned before, There’s an abundance of different activities and careers that require repetitive hand and wrist motions, which can lead to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Unfortunately, this injury only worsens over time, so if you find yourself experiencing any of the symptoms and suspect that you have developed it, take action immediately. Our goal is always to get you the compensation that you deserve, and we’re happy to help you through the process. To schedule a free consultation, contact Franco Law Firm today.”