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Tampa Workers' Compensation Lawyer > Blog > General > Can You Reapply for SSDI?

Can You Reapply for SSDI?

Social security disability insurance is available to individuals who have earned enough work credits and are under the age of 65. After two years, the disabled person will qualify for Medicaid. Children and other dependents may also qualify for related benefits.

There is a five-month wait for benefits, and the amount of benefits depends on your past income earnings. You can apply online, over the phone, and in-person. Sometimes if your status is complicated, it may be beneficial to attempt to apply in person or over the phone. There is also a phone number for those who are deaf or hard of hearing.

There are many layers of approval (or disapproval) meaning there are also several opportunities for an appeal. You can also re-apply.

It is always best to appeal, but often people end up reapplying. Reapplying can occur when you did not appeal the original decision for whatever reason. Maybe you did not have the resources at the time. Maybe, you had to accept that your condition did not qualify. Or, maybe you just forgot the appeal deadline. But, there are reasons you can and should re-apply later.

  1. Circumstances may have changed. Maybe your condition has worsened. Maybe you’ve developed a new condition. Maybe you gained a new dependent or lost a source of income. In any case, it could be worth seeing if the changed circumstances will affect your benefits. This is your best bet for getting a different result upon the second application since appealing to a higher court can take a really long time.
  2. Fresh eyes may have a different opinion. If you are applying again and again without new results, it’s a mistake to continue reapplying. It may be better to appeal or to wait for some change in the case. However, it is possible that fresh eyes may change the outlook. Since there are very specific guidelines, the chances for this is small. Previous applications may not necessarily affect future decisions, but it could if there is no new evidence.

If you are unable to dig up additional evidence of disability and you have been denied a couple times, it may be time to bring a lawyer onto the case. The lawyer can help you apply successfully, or at least bring a strong case to the appeals process.

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