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Burn Injuries 101

Burn Injuries Franco Law Firm

As a part of life, we’ve all experienced various kinds of injuries at one time or another. However, when you think about a type of injury, what do you automatically think of? Perhaps something common like a broken bone or skin laceration? You’re not wrong. However, even though injuries from accidents vary immensely, one of the most common, as well as deadly, are burn injuries. Whilst the severity of burns can vary depending on the accident, there is little argument that they are all serious and are known to be some of the most traumatizing and agonizing injuries.

In general, burn injuries are usually classified by three categories :

  • 1st degree burn: First degree burns affect the outermost layer of the skin, and usually cause irritation like redness and swelling. This common burn is easily treatable with cool water, and applying an antibiotic ointment to soothe the soreness.

  • 2nd degree burn: Affecting both the outer and underlying layer of the skin, this burn can cause moderate to severe discomfort, and can take a bit longer to heal. Usually treatment is as simple as lowering the skin’s temperature and some type of bandaging and antibiotics if any blisters become exposed.

  • 3rd Degree: As the most severe, this burn is often the key factor in determining medical costs, and will cause a great deal of distress and pain. A burn this intense destroys both the entire outer and inner layers of the skin, and is usually caused by fire flames, scalding liquid, or even a chemical source. Treatment can vary depending on the extent, location, and cause of the burn, so it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible when this kind of burn occurs.

As we can see, burns come in many shapes and sizes, and although they are generally inflicted by exposure to fire or blistering heat, this is not always the case. Sometimes potent and dangerous chemicals like bleach, ammonia, or even car battery acid can leave burn-like damage to the skin or eyes. There is also a certain kind of burn that can be inflicted from breathing in smoke, chemicals, or very hot air, which is not uncommon in the event of a building fire.

So, what happens when you have received a burn injury at the fault of someone else, a product, or at the hands of a corporation? What kind of compensation is available, and what can your attorneys do to help? It can be a long and stressful process, but whoever is held liable for your suffering is automatically obligated to provide you with compensation. While you’re taking time to concentrate on recovering, your attorneys are there to help you every step of the way. Tasks like gathering evidence, deferring payments, handling insurance companies, and representing you in court cases, are just a few of the many things that a lawyer will be able to assist in.

Expenses like medical bills can be quite an inconvenience, which is why it’s one of the compensations that is available to you when claiming. Other reimbursements that you are permitted include, pain and suffering, loss of wages, and property damage. Once someone is held liable for the injuries that have occurred, they are legally entitled to provide said compensations.

If you or someone you know suffers a burn due to the negligence or maliciousness of someone else, compensation for these injuries are available, and is something that needs to be treated as a serious offense. Here at the Franco Law Firm, we believe that anyone who has suffered in this way should receive justice so that they can heal both physically and financially. To learn more about how we can serve as your primary burn injury lawyer, please call us at (813) 872-0929.

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