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Tampa Workers' Compensation Lawyer > Blog > Blog > Be Careful, DUI Accidents are Increasing in South Florida

Be Careful, DUI Accidents are Increasing in South Florida

DUI accidents can be hugely life-changing to everyone involved, and unfortunately they seem to be increasing in South Florida of late. It seems every few days there’s a different article in the local newspaper detailing another upsetting story of someone putting themselves and others at risk from driving whilst intoxicated.

Last year saw a dramatic rise in the amount of DUI accidents, as well as an increase in the amount of hit and runs. In comparison with the rest of the nation, Florida has a slightly higher risk of death due to drunk drivers overall. The rate of alcohol-related fatalities has unfortunately risen during the last few years, as have the rate of drug-related crashes. These are most pronounced in the south of the state – in Miami alone there were nearly 3,000 DUI offences recorded by the City PD, and Broward and Palm Beach Counties also reported concerning figures. As a recompense of this, insurance figures have been more expensive in order for drivers to be completely covered. Since 2015 major insurers in the state have increased their prices by more than 20%, reflecting the danger drivers in The Sunshine State face.

What Can I Do?

Driving whilst drinking is a serious issue, but it’s difficult to know what you can do to ensure you don’t get into an accident due to someone else breaking the law. One precaution you can take is to have a competent insurance policy to protect you from any unforeseen circumstances.

You should also attempt to drive defensively if you see a drunk driver. If someone is operating a vehicles erratically, try and steer as clear as you can away from them. If this isn’t an option, drive slowly and be as aware of their movements. You should also make a note of their vehicle if possible, and report them as soon as possible so the police can deal with them.

If you’re been involved in an accident with a drunk driver, it’s essential you find the proper legal representation. Visit the experts at Franco Firm for assistance.  

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