Are Prescription Drugs and Medications Covered Under Workers’ Comp?

The workers compensation program was developed in order to provide financial security to individuals that sustain injuries while at work or on the job. The idea behind it was that while a person was recovered from said injuries, he or she did not have to worry about medical costs or lost wages as they would be taken care of by the employer or the employer’s insurance company. The specific laws governing workers compensation vary from state to state and, thankfully, Florida has some of the most friendly laws for the employees.
One of the most common questions that arising when going through the workers compensation process is whether or not the funding covers prescription drugs and medications. The answer to this, according to Florida law, is yes, employers’ workers compensation must cover prescriptions. This may include simple pain medication or any other drug that will help relieve the sustained affliction, although pain management is one of the most common reasons for needing a prescription following a workplace injury.
Unfortunately, companies do not always honor this law and will sometimes attempt to cheat employees out of paying for necessary recovery prescription drugs and medications. One of the most common arguments is that the medicine is not necessary or is incorrect. That being said, you as an employee have the right to fight for your workers compensation and this includes all aspects of the medical recovery process, including medication.
If you or someone you know is in a situation like this, we at the Franco Firm are here to help. With our experience in workers compensation law, we can and will help you obtain the funding that you deserve so that you can get back to work and wellness. To learn more about how we can serve you in this role and to schedule a free consultation with us today, please call us at (813) 872-0929.