Are All Disabilities Covered Under Workers’ Compensation Law?

Sustaining a workplace injury can create difficult and stressful situations for any individual. Whether the injury is major or minor, there are often different medical treatments to undergo and new challenges to overcome. The most severe kinds of injuries can inflict temporary, or sometimes permanent, disabilities on people and this can make it difficult or impossible to return to work. While financial assistance will not take that away, the workers’ compensation program can ease the stress of paying for medical treatments. Thankfully, this is a right afforded to all employees.
When it comes to missing work or collecting disability benefits, the question often arises as to which kinds of disabilities are covered under the workers’ compensation program. Are all of them? The simple answer is that yes, all forms of disability are covered under this program, so long as the origins of the disability come from the workplace injury. The workers’ compensation program provides funding for all those hurt on the job, regardless of circumstance or severity.
That being said, it must often be documented and proven that the disability did indeed stem from a workplace injury. Sometimes this is easy to prove, as is the case with broken bones and similar afflictions. It becomes much more difficult when it comes to mental or psychological injuries however. For example, a person could collect workers’ compensation if he or she developed depression or PTSD from a workplace injury, however such things are notoriously difficult to prove and require much medical documentation to do so.
If you or someone you know has been injured while on the job and is disabled as a result, you are entitled to compensation for your injuries. If this is being denied to you, you can fight to obtain it through a workers’ compensation lawsuit. We at the Franco Firm would be happy to assist you through this process, so feel free to call us at (813) 872-0929 to schedule a free consultation today.