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Amputation Injuries In Tampa Workplaces


Traumatic amputations, or amputation injuries, are often catastrophic and are among the most devastating types of injuries that can occur on the job in Tampa. They happen in many different types of workplaces and industries, from construction work and carpentry work to food services work. Any machine that has moving parts, and any tools that have sharp pieces, can be involved in accidents that result in traumatic amputations. If you sustained an amputation injury at work, it is important to get in touch with a Tampa workers’ compensation lawyer to find out more about seeking compensation.

What is an Amputation Injury?

 What is an amputation injury? According to MedlinePlus and the National Library of Medicine, a “traumatic amputation is the loss of a body part, usually a finger, toe, arm, or leg, that occurs as the result of an accident or injury.” There are various ways in which amputation injuries can happen on the job, and it is often possible for an injured worker to seek compensation for medical care and lost wages by filing a workers’ compensation claim.

How Florida Workers’ Compensation Covers Amputation Injuries 

When a person suffers an amputation injury, it is important to know that the injury may be determined to be a “permanent total disability” and thus may allow the catastrophically injured employee to be eligible for permanent total disability (often known as PTD) benefits. According to the Florida Statute, “in case of total disability adjudged to be permanent, 66 ⅔ or 66.67 percent of the average weekly wages shall be paid to the employee during the continuance of such total disability” as long as the employee is not physically capable of engaging in employment.

Do all types of amputation injuries result in a permanent total disability according to Florida law? No. In order for an amputation injury to be considered for PTD benefits, the injury must be the “amputation of an arm, a hand, a foot, or a leg involving the loss of use of that appendage.” Just because an amputation injury does not qualify for permanent total disability benefits, however, does not mean that it will not qualify for certain disability benefits. Amputations of fingers or toes, for example, can also result in benefits.

What Causes Amputation Injuries in Tampa Workplaces?

 Most amputation injuries in Tampa workplace result from accidents involving machines with moving parts and mechanical components. Use of any tools in the workplace that perform the following types of motions could cause an amputation injury, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA):

  • Rotating;
  • Reciprocating;
  • Traversing;
  • Cutting;
  • Punching;
  • Shearing; and
  • Bending.

If one of these types of injuries occurs and you suffer a traumatic amputation, you must report the injury to your employer within 30 days in order to be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits.

Contact a Workers’ Compensation Attorney in Tampa

 Do you need assistance filing a workers’ compensation claim or appealing a denial of benefits after you suffered an amputation injury? One of the Tampa workers’ compensation attorneys at the Franco Law Firm can assist you today.





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